Fetch Financial Asset

Create a new contact in your organization.

Get Financial Asset Details

In order to call mutations such as money transfers and swaps, you will need to fetch the financial asset ID of a specific asset. The way to get a specific asset/multiple asset IDs, use the following query:

In the query variables (body), you insert the code of the asset you wish to fetch. See the example body below for reference.

query FinancialAssets($where: FinancialAssetWhereInput) {
  financialAssets(where: $where) {


Body (FinancialAssetWhereInput object)

Example body:

  "where": {
    "code": {
      "equals": "USDT"


Return values:

  "data": {
    "financialAssets": [
        "code": "USDT",
        "id": "clefn78gv011olc6rcwtt0wel"

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