Fetch Deposit Address

Fetching an existing coin/asset blockchain address within a wallet

Get an Existing Wallet Deposit Address

The GetOrCreateDepositAddress query allows API users to fetch an existing blockchain address for an asset & blockchain in their wallet. If there isn't one, the query will return an error and you will need to use Generate Deposit Address query beforehand to add a coin first.

Do note that currently, this query is called GetOrCreateDepositAddress while in fact this query cannot create/generate a new blockchain deposit address for a wallet. This confusion will be fixed and deprecated in future versions of the API.

query GetOrCreateDepositAddress($where: WalletDepositAddressWhereInput!) {
  getOrCreateDepositAddress(where: $where) {


Body (WalletDepositAddressWhereInput object)

Example body:

  "where": {
    "walletId": "clmq35x0400009k01v5ptn7d5",
    "assetId": "clefn78h5012plc6rxbmofnop",
    "blockchainId": "clefn78cl00i3lc6rih442mx9"


Return values:

  "data": {
    "getOrCreateDepositAddress": {
      "address": "0x429de487cF185eFBBEb3158D2FbC1C003462018c",

In the query's response, you will receive the created API wallet address for the wallet, asset & blockchain IDs given in the body.

Try it out!