Part of the Docker setup in order to automate signing transactions (approvals/rejections)
Sign On Transactions (Automatic Flow)
On a transaction creation in Inabit, Inabit will send a request to the Approver to handle the requested transaction approval, and sign on the approve/reject decision.
In order to handle transaction approvals:
Approver (API Signer) needs to be in Paired status.
Configure an external validation url ('endpoint'), implementing the Approver's required approval logics:
The external validation endpoint is expected to expose a 'post' http endpoint for validation purpose.
On receiving a validation url call response, a signed approval (using Approver's key) will be sent back automatically to Inabit, for further processing (policy enforcement).
Mock Validation
It is also possible to mock external validation url using a predefined endpoint (transaction/validate) on the Approver, and control the required outcome. Using the following configuration
VALIDATION_CALLBACK_URL=[APPROVER_URL]transaction/validate # replace [APPROVER_URL] with the Approver's url.
VALIDATION_MOCK_SET_RESULT=rejected # allowed: approved / rejected / exception