Notification Types
Explore which notifications you can receive from our subscriptions
Notifications from Inabit's webhook service provide real-time updates on transaction events and status changes, ensuring that you stay informed about crucial activities within your organization. Below are the different types of notifications you can expect to receive:
New Transaction Event:
Date and Time: Timestamp indicating when the transaction occurred.
Transaction Type: Whether it's a deposit (received) or a withdrawal (sent).
Transaction ID: Unique identifier for the transaction.
Transaction Status: Current status of the transaction.
Wallet ID: Identifier for the wallet associated with the transaction.
Wallet Name: Name of the wallet involved in the transaction.
Address Name: Name of the address involved in the transaction.
Coin/Asset Symbol: Symbol representing the cryptocurrency involved.
Blockchain: Name of the blockchain associated with the transaction.
Cryptocurrency Amount: Amount of cryptocurrency transacted.
Fee in Cryptocurrency: Transaction fee in cryptocurrency.
Fee (in Organization's Base Currency): Transaction fee converted to the organization's base currency.
Amount (in Organization's Base Currency): Transaction amount converted to the organization's base currency.
Transaction Hash: Unique hash identifying the transaction.
Source Address (From): Address from which the cryptocurrency was sent.
Destination Address (To): Address to which the cryptocurrency was sent.
Transaction Status Updates (Including Transaction Fee Updates):
Similar details as the new transaction event, with updates on the transaction status and associated fees + transaction hash (if completed).
These notifications empower you to track and manage transactions effectively, enabling timely decision-making and ensuring transparency and security within your crypto service.
New Transaction Event
Transaction Status Updates
This notification is received for every transaction status change.
Here are the possible changes you can receive notifications on:
Status changed to Processing:
Once you approve a transaction, its status should change to this.
Status changed to Broadcasting:
The transaction entered the mempool and is being broadcasted to the blockchain.
Status changed to Completed:
The transaction was completed in the blockchain.
In this notification you'll also receive additional data that includes:
The transaction fees breakdown.
The transaction's hash.
Status changed to Failed:
Transaction failures can occur in the blockchain during broadcasting process or before that, in the processing phase in case any issue occured. (For example - insufficient gas fees to broadcast the transaction)
Status changed to Rejected:
If the approver/s rejected the transaction in the mobile app, the status will be turned "Rejected".
Status changed to Expired:
Transactions have a 5 hour window to be approved/rejected.
In case the time limit was reached, the transaction is expired and its status changes to "Expired".
Example Notification
Status changes to Broadcasting:
Example Notification
Status changes to Completed:
Once you receive updates on completion of transactions (status changes to completed), the fees are also updated and are given in the notification data (no longer null
Notice the fees are given in both the crypto native currency (in the example above - ethereum) but also in the base currency, which is the base currency of the organization (EUR/USD).
You will also receive the
of the completed transaction in this notification.